ONLINE TUTORIAL: No more cold seats

No more cold seats – The easiest path to a better future
The critical difference between the NHL and European leagues when it comes to the commercial side is the ability to sell out the arenas.
While NHL teams sell over 95 percent of arena capacity, the corresponding average number for top European clubs is around 80 percent. European club hockey would be much more economically stable if it even managed to reach 90 percent.
David Soberman, Professor of Marketing at Rotman School of Management in Toronto, will give advice on how to sell more tickets, hopefully to sell out, avoiding those cold, empty seats.
This is the latest in a series of online tutorials presented by the Alliance of European Hockey Clubs. It will be presented on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 at 15:00 CET.
Mark your calendar for the following insightful E.H.C. 2024 Online Tutorial
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