It's Kånken Youth Retention Award time again

It's Kånken Youth Retention Award time again

The days are longer, the playoffs are on, and that means that it’s time to apply for the Kånken Youth Retention Award. With the honour of being the sixth winner of the prize also comes a cheque for 10 000 euros, to be used for youth programs.

The 2024 Kånken Youth Retention Award winner, Barani Banská Bystrica, was established in 2020 by Michal Handzuš, the former Slovak national team winner, World champion and Stanley Cup winner, who wanted to revitalize youth hockey in his hometown Banská Bystrica, 200 km from Bratislava.

The new program was established to, yes, nurture new talent, but also to prepare kids for meeting challenges in life.

Today, Barani Banská Bystrica is one of the leading youth programs in the country. One of their later areas of focus has been on keeping more players in the game, by creating teams and groups for all, including new groups for girls. Similarly, the 2022 winners of the Kånken Youth Retention Award used their 10 000 euros to support their hobby teams for kids who just want to play hockey simply because it’s fun.

And they’re so right. Hockey is fun.

The award is the brainchild of Martin Nordin, the majority owner of the Fenix Outdoor group and Fjällräven, who wanted to recognize clubs who put the emphasis on the social side of youth development, especially on how to keep young boys and girls in the game.

Hence, the award’s criteria: To be awarded annually to an ice hockey youth program which emphasizes sustainability through social responsibility and high retention rates among its participants.

“Even more important than developing good hockey players, it’s to educate good people. As a father and as a hockey fan, this award is my family’s contribution to making a difference,” said Nordin whose father Åke came up with the first Kånken backpack in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Today, Kånken is the world’s most sold rucksack.

With the Kånken Youth Retention Award, the E.H.C. Alliance, Fjällräven and the Nordin family wish to contribute to growth within European youth hockey, to change attitudes among players and parents while at the same time focusing on retaining young players in their program. Our contribution of €10 000 is meant to be a reward and encouragement for a club that focuses on these values.

Previous winners are:

2020Pilsen Wolves, CZE
2021KAC Klagenfurt, AUT
2022 Junior Pelicans, FIN
2023 Kárpáti Farkasok, HUN
2024 Barani Banská Bystrica, SVK

The deadline to apply for the 2025 Kånken Youth Retention Award is March 31. Click here for the application form.

Risto Pakarinen
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