Cahling to present Brynäs’ innovative partnership strategy at EHC Forum

The Alliance of European Hockey Clubs is very excited to announce Johan Cahling, vice-CEO of Brynäs IF as a confirmed speaker at the E.H.C. Hockey Business Forum in Stockholm on 11 November.
Johan Cahling and Brynäs have gained both nationwide as well as international attention due to the club’s ground-breaking partnership strategy. Under Cahling’s guidance, the 13-time Swedish champion from the city of Gävle has consistently moved away from the traditional sponsorship-by-brand-exposure approach to social responsibility, not only working together with partners in their city of Gävle but also nationally as well as outside of the borders of Sweden.
As a symbol for this, Brynäs became the first Swedish elite club in many years to appear with a jersey free from commercial advertisement, which has drawn very positive reviews in media and from their vast fan-following.
Cahling will focus on how and why he has implemented this strategy at Brynäs, what the main benefits (but also challenges) are and how he sees sponsorships of professional clubs in the future.
Brynäs, which has developed some of the greatest players in Swedish hockey history, is one of some 80 members of the Alliance of European Hockey clubs.